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NSDDS Membership Information


  • Opportunities to lead and influence legislative and regulatory policymaking that impacts you and your patients.

  • Monthly Society Advocacy communications on AADA happenings of importance to Nevada dermatology/dermatologic surgery practices.

  • Quarterly webinars at no additional cost.

  • Networking opportunities with dermatology colleagues who practice in the state of Nevada at NSDDS events.

  • Exclusive member-only discounts on educational programs, including the Annual Meeting.

  • Exclusive members-only access to educational content and information on the website.

  • Listing on the “Find a Dermatologist” on the NSDDS website.

Membership Categories

  • Fellow
    Any physician in good standing who resides in the United States or Canada and who has been certified in dermatology by the American Board of Dermatology, by the American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology or by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; or who has been certified in dermatopathology by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American Osteopathic Association Specialty Certifying Board.
    shall be eligible to be a Fellow.
    Fellows shall have the rights to attend membership meetings, to participate in discussion, to vote on matters submitted to a vote of the membership, to hold elective office and to serve on committees and councils.  Fellows shall be obligated to pay all dues and assessments imposed on Fellows under Article V of these Bylaws.


  • Associate
    Any physician in good standing; has three (3) years of experience specializing in the practice of dermatology or is a teacher or graduate student of dermatology; and who meets or is pursuing the educational requirements for the certification examination in dermatology by the American Board of Dermatology, the American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada shall be eligible to be an Associate. Associates shall have all of the rights of Fellows except that they shall not be eligible to serve in any elective office.


  • Resident
    Any physician in good standing who is in an ACGME-accredited dermatology residency program shall be eligible to be a Resident. Residents shall have all of the rights of Fellows except that they shall not be eligible to vote or hold elective office.


  • Medical Student
    Any individual enrolled in a medical school accredited by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) or the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM). Medical students shall have all of the rights of Fellows except that they shall not be eligible to vote or hold elective office.


  • Licensed Clinical Staff
    Qualified licensed clinical staff who are actively engaged in, or have specific interest in, assisting with dermatology or dermatologic surgery and who are currently employed by an active member in good standing of NSDDS shall be eligible to be Licensed Clinical Staff. Each applicant being considered for membership in this category shall submit a completed official application form signed and endorsed by their employer. Membership in this category may include individuals with special formal training in providing dermatologic surgical assistance, including but not limited to: registered nurses, nurse practitioners, licensed practical nurses, and physician assistants. Other licensed clinical staff who come from other backgrounds or who are skilled by virtue of experience in assisting in dermatology or dermatologic surgery may also be considered appropriate candidates for experience. Licensed Clinical Staff shall have all rights of Fellows except that they shall not be eligible to serve in any elected office or have the right to vote.


  • Adjunct
    Any individual who works for a commercial firm, consultant or other organization that supplies products and/or services to the dermatology/dermatologic sur
    gery market and who is not directly involved in patient care shall be eligible to be an Adjunct Member. Adjunct Members shall have the right to attend membership meetings and to serve on committees and councils, but shall not be eligible to vote or serve in any elective office.


Questions about dues renewal or joining NSDDS email:

Nevada Society for Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery estimates that 75% of dues may not be deductible as a business expense due to lobbying activities.

Fellow and Associate

$195 Annually

Clinical Staff

$145 Annually

Resident and Medical Student



$250 Annually


NSDDS will notify applicants when their application is complete. An application is complete when the form, application fee and dues have been received.


If you are a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed practice nurse or a physician assistant a letter from your supervising dermatology physician is required. If you are a resident or medical student, a letter from your program is required.

Upon completion of the application process, applicants will be able to register for meetings and purchase most NSDDS products at the member rate. Upon acceptance into membership, applicants will begin to receive Quarterly Society communications.


NSDDS is dedicated to promoting the educational and professional interests of dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons; providing a vehicle for advocacy and public educational efforts, and addressing socioeconomic issues that impact the practice of dermatology and dermatologic surgery in the state of Nevada.


6025 S Quebec St, Suite 365
Centennial, CO 80111

T: 303-770-6048


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© Nevada Society for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery

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